University of Florida Capital Campaign Jumps past $500 Million Mark
May 27, 1999
GAINESVILLE — With a major hurdle vaulted, the University of Florida’s five-year, $750 million capital campaign is making the right moves to reach the goal by the end of 2000.
It was announced today that the total amount raised to date for the campaign is $515.9 million, representing 68.8 percent of the goal with just over 19 months remaining in the campaign.
This will be welcomed news at this weekend’s President’s Council Weekend in Palm Beach, Fla. The annual event, hosted by UF President John Lombardi, features several donor-recognition activities, including a black-tie dinner Saturday night where the highest level donors are personally recognized.
“We’re enjoying a good run right now,” said Allen Lastinger, co-chairman of the UF capital campaign. “It’s going to take continued hard work and generosity by alumni and friends to reach $750 million, but the momentum is tremendous.”
The original goal of $500 million was increased by 50 percent in October, when it was apparent the campaign was faring far better than planned.
“We’re very pleased by the continued pace of the campaign and the amazing support of UF alumni and friends,” said Lombardi. “We enjoy this milestone of success, but at the same time we realize there can be no letting up if we are to reach our established goals.”
At the time the increased goal was announced in the fall, Lombardi announced three new major initiatives constituting much of the increase amount: a research institute in genetics and molecular biology, increased graduate fellowship assistance and the advancement of the university’s teaching and research technology.
The University of Florida raised a record one-year total of $122.8 million in fiscal year 1998, representing a 34.7 percent increase over the previous year. This ranks the University of Florida 13th nationally among research I institutions, according to the Volunteer Support of Education Survey, cosponsored by the Council for Aid to Education. UF moved up from 16th the year before.
“It’s Performance That Counts is the theme of the campaign,” said John Higdon, campaign co-chairman. “Not only does that apply to UF’s teaching and research, but also to its fund raising. So, you’ll see our performance stepping up to meet the $750 million goal in the coming months.”
The University of Florida is in the fourth year of a five-year, $750 million capital campaign. The “It’s Performance That Counts” campaign seeks private gifts for UF scholarships, faculty positions, facilities and technological equipment to help the university produce top-quality performance in teaching and research.