Sources available for stories on Sept. 11, terrorism topics
August 20, 2002
The following sources at the University of Florida are available to speak to the news media on a variety of topics related to the upcoming anniversary of the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks, as well as the war on terrorism and U.S. relations with Iraq.
Anti-Arab, Anti-Muslim Sentiment
Joe Feagin – A graduate research professor at UF and an expert on racial and ethnic relations, Feagin can speak about anti-Arab and anti-Muslim prejudice. He is the author of “Racial and Ethnic Relations,” published recently, which has a chapter on Arab-Americans. He also wrote “Racist America,” published in 2000, and “The Many Costs of Terrorism,” in press. (352) 392-0265, Ext. 250, or (352) 332-9399.
Anti-terrorism Planning
Richard H. Schneider – an associate professor of urban and regional planning, Schneider specializes in crime-prevention planning, and has worked on anti-terrorism planning and design projects for the U.S. Department of Defense. One of his current interests is the connection between land use, urban design and growth-management planning and anti-terrorist strategies. 392-0997, Ext. 430,
Computer security
Praveen Pathak, an assistant professor of decision and information sciences, can discuss post-Sept.11 computer issues, specifically network security and its implications for national security. (352) 392-9599,
Disaster Psychology
Ronald Rozensky – Professor and chairman of the clinical and health psychology department. Can discuss psychology of disasters. Contact: Jill Pease, (352) 846-1153 or (352) 392-2621.
Samuel Sears – Associate professor of clinical and health psychology. Specializes in the psychology of disaster aftermath, and coping with serious medical illness and disaster-related stress. Contact: Jill Pease, (352) 846-1153 or (352) 392-2621.
Ronald J. Spitznagel – Professor in the department of rehabilitation counseling. Can discuss the spiritual dimension as related to physical rehabilitation. Contact: Jill Pease, (352) 846-1153 or (352) 392-2621.
Disaster Relief
Anthony Oliver-Smith – An anthropologist specializi`ng in disaster relief. Oliver-Smith has devoted more than 30 years to researching how communities re-emerge from disasters, including the recovery of South Florida from Hurricane Andrew in 1992. (352) 377-8359.
Economy, Finances
Joel Houston – Finance professor. Can discuss financial markets and how they are performing a year after the attacks. (352) 392-7546.
Michael Ryngaert, a professor of finance, can comment on the aftereffects of Sept. 11 on the stock market. (352) 392-9765,
Foreign Relations, Terrorism
Robert J. McMahon – A professor of history with expertise in American foreign relations, the Vietnam War and the Cold War. McMahon specializes in U.S.-South Asian relations. He also can discuss general aspects of current or past American foreign relations, including issues relating to terrorism, the war in Afghanistan and the prospective conflict with Iraq. (352) 392-0271, Ext. 271,
Adam Silverman – The Breier postdoctoral fellow in the departments of political science and Jewish studies, he teaches an upper-degree class called “Terrorism,” the goal of which is to understand the role terrorism plays in resolving social and political grievances. His research interests are terrorism and extremism, and religiously motivated and identity-based conflicts. (352) 392-0262, Ext. 261, (most easily reached by e-mail).
Ido (pronounced EE-do) Oren – An assistant professor of international relations in UF’s political science department, Oren grew up in Israel and can discuss U.S. foreign policy in general. Office: (352) 392-0262, Ext. 252. Home: (352) 384-9521.
Anthony Falsetti, a professor of anthropology and director of UF’s C.A. Pound Human Identification Laboratory, is a well-known forensic scientist. A member of the federal Disaster Mortuary Operational Response Team, or DMORT, Falsetti was called in to assist with identifying remains at the World Trade Center after Sept. 11 due to his prior experiences in the Oklahoma City bombing and TWA Flight 800 incidents. (352) 392-6772,
International Affairs
Dennis Jett – Dean of UF’s International Center, Jett spent 28 years as a career diplomat and was ambassador to Peru and Mozambique. His dissertation was on peacekeeping, but Jett also has extensive knowledge of U.S. foreign policy and issues related to Africa, Latin America and the Middle East. (352) 392-5323, Ext. 501.
International Law, Human Rights
Berta Esperanza Hernandez-Truyol – A professor of law with expertise in international law and human rights, particularly as international and domestic laws interact. (352) 846-0934,
Middle East
Patricia Woods – An assistant professor of comparative politics and Jewish studies, her regional focus is Israel and modern Middle East politics. Her research centers on comparative law and society, particularly law, religion, and politics, including gender politics, in Israel. In addition, she teaches about Islamic religious resurgence, Islamic law and politics and women in the Middle East. She can be reached at (352) 392-0262, Ext. 240,