Fla. Museum, Alachua County Quilters Seek Entries For Summer 2006 Exhibit
June 23, 2005
GAINESVILLE, Fla. — The Florida Museum of Natural History and the Quilters of Alachua County Day Guild are seeking entries for the exhibit “Quilting Natural Florida” planned for the summer of 2006.
All entries will be juried to ensure the quilts represent or illustrate subjects of nature indigenous to Florida. The subject matter may be representational or symbolic of Florida’s natural flora, fauna and environment.
“The Quilting Natural Florida show blends the skills and imagination of the quilt community with the mission of the Florida Museum of Natural History,” said exhibit organizer Gloria Craft Comstock.
Entry forms are available on the Sunshine State Quilters Association web site, or contact Gloria Craft Comstock, rg10001@bellsouth.net, or 10001 N.W. 59th Place, Gainesville, Fla., 32653.