Fla. Museum Offers Discovery Room For Guests Of All Ages
June 21, 2005
GAINESVILLE, Fla. — The Florida Museum of Natural History will offer a Discovery Room for guests of all ages through Aug. 21. The room is free and open to the public during museum hours.
The interactive Discovery Room will house entertaining crafts, a nature area where guests can learn about different wildlife species, a puppet theater, games and educational books. The room will be themed “Naturalist Nook” in June, “Critter Crazy” in July and “Aqua Adventures” in August.
The Discovery Room also will host a program titled “Wednesday Wigglers” from 3 to 4 p.m. on June 22, July 13, July 27 and Aug. 10. “Wednesday Wigglers” will educate children ages 2-5 about natural history through stories and other age-appropriate activities. Children must be accompanied by an adult, and guests should come early to park their stroller and meet new friends.
For more information on “Wednesday Wigglers” call (352) 846-2000, ext. 277 or e-mail classes@flmnh.ufl.edu. For more information on the Discovery Room call (352) 846-2000, ext. 206 or e-mail tderr@flmnh.ufl.edu.