Parking guidelines announced for moving onto campus

August 15, 2005

Students moving onto campus starting Tuesday are urged to follow certain guidelines to ease traffic problems.

Residence hall check-in starts at 9 a.m. Tuesday and continues through Aug. 24, the first day of classes.
Students should plan to move in between 9 a.m. and 10 p.m. so that adequate staff is available to assist them and so they do not disturb other residents who have already moved in.

Check-in is a busy time for the university, and the parking lots and streets by residence halls are congested. The following guidelines will help make the check-in experience positive while allowing university operations to function.

Vehicles will be ticketed or towed if they are parked in one of the following areas: Reserved spaces, service drives (other than short term, attended cars for unloading), disabled parking spaces, car pool spaces, no parking zones, fire lanes, sidewalks, bike lanes, and on the grass. Vehicles will be ticketed if they are parked in one of these lots between 7:30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. Monday through Friday: Orange, Blue, staff gated. Vehicles will be ticketed if they are parked in Brown lots at any time; they are enforced 24/7.

Students or parents with questions or who need more information please contact Transportation and Parking Services at or (352) 392-2241.