College offers one-week study abroad program
September 9, 2005
GAINESVILLE, Fla. — Interested in studying abroad but can’t commit to an entire semester? The University of Florida’s College of Health and Human Performance is offering a one-week study abroad program in Greece during spring break, March 1 0 – 18, 2006.
Students will have the opportunity to earn three credits while studying in Greece and will visit the ancient Olympic sites of Delphi, Olympia and Nemea. Courses will be taught by HHP faculty for UF GPA credit and will focus on understanding the role of the history and formation of the most influential athletic competitions in the Western World.
This full week experience begins with an overnight stay in Athens. Students will then stay overnight in Delphi, Olympia and Tolo, and have the chance to visit Nemea, Mycenae, Nauplion and Corinth. The final day students will return to Athens for a tour of the city and the Acropolis.
This study abroad program is open to all majors, undergraduate and graduate students. Students must have an interest in international sports to qualify for this program. To earn full credit, students will have to participate in all pre-trip and post-trip lectures/discussions, library assignments, field excursions, project and general activities. Graduate students will be required to give a presentation and lead a group project.
The program cost is $834 for undergraduate students and $1,242 for graduate students. Fee includes tuition for a three-credit class, lodging for seven nights in a hotel with double occupancy, daily breakfast, transportation, excursions, gratuities, taxes, costs of instruction and administration, and MedEx emergency insurance. Fee does not include airfare, some meals and personal expenses. Estimated cost of round-trip airfare is $550 – $1,000.
Application forms are available online at and must be turned in by Oct. 31, 2005. Space is limited to 24 students.
For more information, contact DeEtta Hanssen at (352) 392-3187, ext. 1227, or by e-mail at