New initiative to create residence hall of the future

December 21, 2005

It’s no longer enough for a college residence hall to provide just four walls and a bed. The campus housing of today must foster learning and comfort while balancing environmental and technological concerns and do so in a way that’s affordable to both the school and the students.

Now a group of experts, including Norb Dunkel, director of housing and residence education at the University of Florida, are convening to design the next generation of campus housing as part of the 21st Century Project. The group has scheduled a 21st Century Project summit for Feb. 5-8 in Chicago.

The 21st Century Project is a multi-phased program that will culminate in the construction of a new, state-of-the-art college residential facility. Sponsored by the Association of College and University Housing Officers – International (ACUHO-I) and its member organizations, this prototype will show how better to accommodate the changing role residence halls play in the collegiate experience and in higher education institutions.

Federal agencies such as the Department of Energy, Department of Education, and the Department of Housing and Urban Development will also be recruited to participate at various stages of the process.

“We are bringing together a wide variety of experts – from both the academic and professional sides – to help us approach the project from every conceivable angle,” said Michael Coakley, project coordinator and assistant vice president of student life at Northern Illinois University. “The sustainability and economics of the project will be considered just as highly as sociological and educational factors. Aesthetics and pragmatism will be weighed against each other. It will epitomize all we look for in a quality residence hall.”

Association members are collecting and synthesizing data corresponding with ongoing trends in university housing as well as the expanding technological advances within the campus environment. This data, along with the knowledge and experiences of other attendees, will be shared at the February summit.

Later this spring, the group will present its findings to participating college and university officials as well as to vendors, development agencies and architecture firms.

Participating firms will then begin to produce conceptual plans and massing options for the defined facilities. From these, a committee will choose final designs or design components. That building will later be constructed on a college campus.

“This is not simply a group of people brainstorming a wish list of ideas,” said Sallie Traxler, ACUHO-I executive director. “When the project is complete, there will be tangible evidence of our work, and we fully expect it to serve as a model for the college residence halls to be built around the world for the next generation.”

For more information about this project and the summit, go to and click the 21st Century Project button.