Disability Resource Center to offer more services in bigger location
February 22, 2006
The Dean of Students Office Disability Resource Center recently moved to a new, larger location and expanded services for students.
The Disability Resource Center (DRC) is now on the ground floor of Reid Hall (south of Inner Road and the Norman Tunnel). The 4,400-square-foot facility offers students a computer lab and large, mid-size and private testing rooms, which feature sound-attenuation and closed-circuit video monitoring that will drastically improve security during exams.
With more than 1,400 students currently registered with the disability office, more than 3,300 exams were administered during the 2004-05 academic year, a 14 percent increase in the number of students requesting services and a 14 percent increase in the demand for testing.
The improved DRC was a joint effort within the Division of Student Affairs with support from various campus entities. After visiting and researching facilities at similar universities, a small group of students started a petition requesting better facilities for students with disabilities. With more than 1,200 signatures, a proposal was submitted to Michael Rollo, interim vice president for student affairs. The proposal was then forwarded to then Provost David Colburn who approved the plan and allocated funds.
Housing and Residence Education provided the space, some funding and management of the construction project. The majority of funding for the project came from the Office of the Provost and the Office of Vice President for Student Affairs.
“The housing staff has been fantastic,” said John Denny, assistant dean of students and director for the DRC. “We are extremely fortunate to be here. The center demonstrates the university’s commitment to services for students with disabilities.”
Prior to the move, DRC administered exams in the Broward Teaching Center and although this was a convenient location, the new facility will help facilitate learning and be a one-stop location for all DRC needs.
“We welcome all collaboration with housing and want to utilize the space,” Denny said. “RAs will be able to do programs here and there are plenty of opportunities.”
The main reason for the move is to meet the growing demand for services, Denny said. He also added that the demand for services will likely increase because of the new facility.
”The creation of the Disability Resource Center provides our staff with the opportunity to improve accommodations and services to students with disabilities,” said Kelly Mongiovi, senior secretary at the DRC. “It also benefits the students by having a centralized place that they can call their own. I am confident that this is not only a step in the right direction, but the impact will have a lasting effect for the current and future students at University of Florida.”
The DRC opened in early February. The DRC staff is planning a grand opening ceremony and two-day open house in late March to give faculty, students and community members a chance to take tours and learn more about the new center. The ceremony will celebrate the new facility as well as emphasize and reinforce the improvements for students with disabilities at the University of Florida.
For more information about DRC, visit the web site at http://www.dso.ufl.edu/drp/ or call (352) 392-8565.