Museums to host UF Cultural Plaza flight demonstration April 4
March 31, 2006
GAINESVILLE, Fla. — The Florida Museum of Natural History and the Harn Museum of Art will host a public flight demonstration of the CarterGyro Demonstrator/Trainer, a new aircraft resembling an aerial motorcycle, from 11:30 a.m. to 3 p.m. April 4 at the University of Florida Cultural Plaza.
The gyro is capable of short takeoffs and drop-in landings which allows it to operate out of nonairport environments. It uses the same landing gear and slow rotor technology that Carter Aviation Technologies plans to use on its new Personal Air Vehicle prototype. Carter believes the PAV will eventually replace the family car for trips farther than 200 miles.
“The Florida Museum supports this demonstration as we recognize the need for alternative transportation,” said Florida Museum Associate Director Graig Shaak. “Conservation of natural resources is our collective mission and to participate in such an exercise that is both fun and educational is a pleasant diversion for the museum.”
The UF Cultural Plaza demonstration is part of a promotional tour, Carter FutureFlight-I, Carter is making from Atlanta to Tampa. The company plans to fly the same route when the prototype PAV is ready. Since some elements of the prototype will have been flight-proven on the gyro, Carter hopes to have the PAV prototype ready for flight testing in 2007.
“As a museum that prides itself on the artistic innovation within its surroundings, the Harn Museum is excited to sponsor Carter’s innovation in aviation that will provide the opportunity to go beyond them,” said Christine Hale, Harn Museum director of marketing and public relations.