Florida Marine Biotechnology Summit to be held Nov. 14-15 in Gainesville
October 9, 2006
GAINESVILLE, Fla. — Discoverers and developers of medicines and products from the sea will share findings and biotechnological advances during the fifth Florida Marine Biotechnology Summit Nov. 14-15 in Gainesville.
The summit is held biennially to showcase the state’s research and education achievements in marine biotechnology, and advance the commercialization of research results in areas such as human health, biomedical research, pharmaceuticals, environmental quality and seafood safety.
This year’s summit will be held in conjunction with the annual conference of BioFlorida, a statewide biosciences organization. All sessions of the BioFlorida conference are fully open to summit attendees as well. Gov. Jeb Bush is scheduled to address a closing session of both conferences Nov. 15.
Though marine biotechnology is a relatively young segment of the state’s overall biotechnology industry, the summit has become a principal forum for the exchange of technical information and dissemination of research results.
Featured reports this year include biosecurity, aquaculture and Hurricane Katrina’s impact on U.S. coastal environments.
The agenda includes invited university and business development experts; a corporate exhibit hall; and a poster session to facilitate awareness of marine biotechnology initiatives across the state.
Scientific leaders from Florida and across the United States are participating, representing the University of Florida, National Cancer Institute, Harbor Branch Oceanographic, Office of Naval Research, Maryland Center of Marine Biotechnology and the J. Craig Venter Institute, among others.
Full-time university students enrolled at a Florida institution are eligible for Florida Sea Grant Student Research Awards based on their poster abstract and presentation. This year, there will also be cash awards for the best posters. Posters will be available for viewing throughout the meeting.
Registration for the marine biotechnology summit is now open online through BioFlorida at http://bioflorida.com. Researchers, executives, senior scientific and business development managers, entrepreneurs; venture investors, service providers to the biotech and med-tech industries, and economic development officials are encouraged to attend.
A discount meeting fee is offered to those who register by Oct. 13. There is also a special discounted registration fee for students.
A detailed agenda, biographies of invited speakers, and complete instructions for submission of posters are available at the Florida Sea Grant Web site, http://flseagrant.org.