Women’s Leadership Conference offers help with careers
January 28, 2007
GAINESVILLE, Fla. — The Women’s Leadership Council will host its annual conference from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m., Sunday, Feb. 11, in the Reitz Student Union.
The Women’s Leadership Conference strives to equip women with the skills necessary to achieve their goals by providing peer support, role models and educational programs. This year’s conference — “20 Years of Igniting Change!” — features Jeanna Mastrodicasa as the keynote speaker. The conference also includes a number of workshops focusing on career, leadership and awareness; a career panel of community professionals; and networking opportunities.
The registration deadline is Feb. 5. The fee, which includes breakfast and lunch, is $20 for individuals. Group rates are also available. For more information or to register, visit the Web atwww.dso.ufl.edu/wlc/conference.php.