Bob Graham to introduce new center to leaders at local forum
February 8, 2007
WHO: Retired U.S. Sen. and former Florida Gov. Bob Graham, introducing the new University of Florida Bob Graham Center for Public Service to elected officials and business leaders from Gainesville and Alachua County. The inaugural group of students in the center’s certificate program in public leadership will also attend.
WHAT: During the forum, Graham will discuss with local leaders how the new Center for Public Service will tackle problems facing our area, state, nation and world. He will also introduce a forthcoming center project aimed at enriching civics education in Florida’s middle schools.
WHEN: 5:30 to 7:30 p.m., Tuesday, Feb. 13
Where: Holiday Inn West, 7417 W. Newberry Road, Gainesville.
BACKGROUND: The Bob Graham Center for Public Service has been established to provide college students with opportunities to train for future leadership positions, providing them with the broad training necessary for civic or public leadership roles. Research on public policies and the policymaking process are to be conducted, as well as public discussions of important issues facing society.
Graham, who earned a bachelor’s degree in history from UF in 1959, announced when he retired from public office in 2005 his intention to work with UF and the University of Miami to create a center focusing on public leadership, the Americas and homeland security. During the current spring 2007 semester, the first students are enrolled in the center’s new certificate program in public leadership.
CONTACT: Tony Rosenbaum, director of the Graham Center for Public Service, or 352-846-1575.