Human Resource Services moves to new offices
April 24, 2007
GAINESVILLE, Fla. — The University of Florida Office of Human Resource Services has moved to its new location in the former BellSouth building at 903 W. University Ave.
All human resources offices formerly housed in the Stadium are at the new location, as well as the satellite office from the Reitz Student Union and Academic Personnel Office from Tigert Hall. The new service center also will have longer hours, with the office opening at 7:30 a.m. and closing at 5:30 p.m.
The new location offers handicap accommodations and an office for graduate student insurance. The floor plan features larger training centers, an open lobby and interview rooms.
“This concept of a service center allows for one-stop shopping for our faculty and staff,” said Kyle Cavanaugh, senior vice president for administration. “Our goal is to make accessibility easier.”
All main telephone numbers will remain the same. Job-seekers and current employees may call 392-2477 (2HRS) or visit for more information.