UF Powell Structures and Materials Laboratory building dedication
April 23, 2007
WHAT: The Powell Family Structures and Materials Laboratory will be formally dedicated in a ceremony at the facility in UF’s Eastside campus. The building completion signifies a major step as part of the revitalization effort along Waldo Road.
WHO: Pramod Khargonekar, dean of UF’s College of Engineering will preside over the dedication.
Ed Poppell, UF vice president for finance and administration
Joseph Tedesco, professor and department chair, Dept. of Civil and Coastal Engineering
Ted Krauthammer, director of the Center for Infrastructure Protection and Physical Security
Robert and Ann Powell, benefactors to the building
Florida Rock Industries representatives
Members of City of Gainesville and Alachua County Commissioners (invited)
WHERE: 2160 NE Waldo Road, Gainesville – between NE 23rd Ave. and NE 16th Ave.
WHEN: Friday, April 27, 2007 at 10:00 a.m.
Photo/video opportunity: Dr. Krauthammer will demonstrate an indoor drop hammer device consisting of a 29-foot frame with a 7,000 lb. weight as part of the ceremony in which the Powells will initiate the device signifying the official opening of the research facility.