College of Fine Arts selects new associate dean
May 17, 2007
GAINESVILLE, Fla. — The University of Florida College of Fine Arts has named Edward Schaefer as the new associate dean for academic and student affairs.
Schaefer, chair of the music department at Gonzaga University, will begin his new position at UF on July 1, subject to approval by the UF Board of Trustees.
Schaefer has been the chair of music departments at Gonzaga and Marymount College of Kansas, and has administered or directed numerous institutes, festivals, new degree programs, strategic plans and councils in his academic career.
In his new position at UF, Schaefer will oversee College of Fine Arts educational activities, including student advising, curriculum development and academic programs, student recruitment, international programs, student awards and the New World School of the Arts affiliate program.
“The vitality of College of Fine Arts is based in its talented students and dedicated faculty. Dr. Schaefer brings a range of experience and interests that will complement the college and serve the students well in his position as associate dean for Academic and Student Affairs,” said Lucinda Lavelli, dean of the College of Fine Arts.
In his position as chair of the music department in the College of Arts and Sciences at Gonzaga University, a private Jesuit school in Spokane, Wash., Schaefer specializes in choral and organ studies and performance with a focus on religious music.
A full-professor since 1996, Schaefer has taught music at the college level since 1983. He received his doctorate in musical arts in 1985 from The Catholic University of America, Washington, D.C., and his master of Sacred Music and a master of music from Southern Methodist University in Dallas.
He has written a number of books and research papers on the topic of Gregorian chant and the music of the Catholic Church. His work has taken him abroad to countries such as France, where he has both studied and led international choir trips.