Efficiency task force created
August 9, 2007
I am writing to announce the creation of a committee to help identify ways to trim costs and operate more efficiently in an extremely tight budget year and into the future amid predictions of a worsening economy.
As part of a comprehensive approach to addressing our current and future budget situation, the newly established Cost Reduction and Efficiency Task Force is charged with:
* Identifying processes that could be streamlined
* Determining the feasibility of reducing or eliminating some UF functions
* Evaluating strategies to maximize current revenue streams
* Identifying new revenue opportunities
I have selected faculty, staff and students from across the university to serve on the task force. They are:
Frank Bova – professor of neurosurgery and chair-elect of the Council on Academic Planning, Budgeting and Resource Management
Judith Russell – dean of libraries
Tim White – professor and director of the School of Forest Resources and Conservation
William A. McCullough – senior associate dean in the Warrington College of Business
Ryan Moseley – Student Body president
Joe Glover – interim dean of the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Glen Hoffsis – dean of the College of Veterinary Medicine
Jim Ferrer – associate director of finance and planning in the Health Science Center
Ed Poppell – vice president for business affairs
I have asked Kyle Cavanaugh, senior vice president for administration, to chair the task force.
In addition, the task force will be supported by the Huron Consulting Group. Huron is considered a leader in higher education consulting and is now engaged in similar projects at several prominent universities.
Task force members will start their work this month, with the goal of having a report to me later this fall. Please join me in supporting this most important work.
J. Bernard Machen
University of Florida