Gator Green Project volunteers plant gardens, builds friendships
October 1, 2007
GAINESVILLE, Fla. — The Gator Green Project is underway as residents of Maguire Village and University Village South (UVS) on the University of Florida campus plant community gardens to get to know their neighbors.
In August, Lesa Boykin, residence director for Maguire Village and UVS, solicited donations of plants and garden decorations for the complexes. The apartments’ residents volunteered to plant and decorate gardens for their neighbors and themselves, and the top three were recognized following a judging on Sept. 30.
“Over 90 percent of our residents are international students. The staff was looking for ways to initiate dialogue among residents from various countries and cultures that would produce friendship, tolerance, and a sense of community,” said Boykin. “This project successfully crossed culture and language barriers and helped residents get to know each other.”
UF graduate and family housing maintains five apartment complexes with 980 apartments that house more than 1,800 residents including students, spouses, and children. More than 90 countries are represented within these communities. The top five countries of origin are China, South Korea, India, Taiwan, and Turkey. Many international students do not have the opportunity to return to their home countries while attending UF, so housing staff plan a variety of activities to make apartment complexes on campus feel more like home.
To support the Gator Green Project, Hatchett Creek Farms, University of Florida Physical Plant, and Martin and Joella Seay donated plants. Wal-Mart and Lowe’s donated gift cards.