Summary of FDLE review of student arrest available
October 24, 2007
GAINESVILLE, Fla. — A summary is now available of the Florida Department of Law Enforcement’s review of University of Florida police officer actions in the Sept. 17 arrest of a UF student during a town hall forum for U.S. Sen. John Kerry, D-Mass.
The report, which concludes that the officers acted within state guidelines, is 300 pages and was delivered Oct. 19 in two large binders. It also includes many hours of taped interviews. A full review of the document to remove information protected by privacy laws may take another week or more. The full report also will be made available online when the review is complete, as will UFPD’s administrative review of the arrest.
For that reason, only the 17-page executive summary is available today. The report can be found at or Statements from UF President Bernie Machen and UF Police Chief Linda Stump also are available at those Web sites.