Create your own holiday cards at Harn printmaking class
November 16, 2007
GAINESVILLE, Fla. — The Harn Museum of Art will get in the holiday spirit a little early this year when it hosts a two-session printmaking class that will assist adult participants in creating their own holiday cards.
From 1:30 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. on Nov. 18 and Dec. 2, Gainesville artist Cindy Pagel will show participants how to make fun, original holiday cards using carved linoleum block printmaking techniques.
The cost for the class is $85. Harm members will receive a $10 discount. Space is limited, so early registration is advised. A materials list will be provided.
The class is one of many upcoming studio classes at the Harn. For more information about studio classes visit, e-mail or call 352-392-9826.