Students urged to avoid decal lines and steer clear of parking citations
November 29, 2007
GAINESVILLE, Fla. — Spring semester parking decals will go on sale beginning Dec. 3, providing students with the opportunity to purchase their decals before they leave campus for the holiday break.
Students who wait to buy their decals when they return in January may experience unnecessary urgency and long lines. Additionally, since there is no grace period at the start of the spring semester, parking citations will be issued in student parking areas to vehicles without current decals beginning on Jan. 7th. Decal enforcement will begin in faculty and staff parking areas on Jan.2nd. Students who already have annual decals do not need to purchase spring semester decals.
“We hope to get the word out and encourage students to buy their decal before they leave for the holidays,” said Scott Fox, director of transportation and parking services. “That’s one less thing they’ll have to worry about when they return for the spring semester.”
The Customer Service office at the corner of Gale Lemerand Drive and Mowry Road is open Monday through Friday from 8:00 am to 4:30 pm. Further information is available by calling 352-392-2241 or visiting us online at