Former World War II prisoner of war to speak at fall commencement
December 10, 2007
GAINESVILLE, Fla. — Andrew Hines, a former prisoner of war and a successful engineer, businessman, civil servant and philanthropist, will speak at the University of Florida’s graduate degree commencement ceremony Dec. 14. Hines graduated from UF in 1947.
The advanced degree ceremony is one of five commencement ceremonies being held this fall.
Hines began working at Florida Power Corporation in 1951 and eventually became president of the company. In 1990, he retired and opened his own consulting firm. He spent almost eight months in a prison camp during World War II.
A longtime supporter of UF, Hines was named a distinguished alumnus in 1973, and he served as president of the UF Alumni Association in 1975. He has been a member of the UF Foundation board for the past 34 years.
The advanced degree commencement ceremony will begin at 4 p.m. in the O’Connell Center.
Commencement for students receiving bachelor degrees will be split by college between two Dec. 15 ceremonies. They will begin at 10 a.m. and 2 p.m. The College of Pharmacy will hold its graduation ceremony Dec. 15, and the Fredric G. Levin College of Law will have commencement Dec. 21.
Approximately 4,000 students are eligible to graduate this semester. According to cap and gown reservations, approximately 600 students are expected to participate in the advanced degree commencement, and about 1,400 are expected to participate in the baccalaureate ceremonies.
Outstanding Student Leader awards will be presented to Lauryn Cannon, NaTalla McCoy, Ryan Nelson and Aron Weingard. Hunter Woodham will be recognized as an outstanding four-year scholar, and Christopher Laden will be named an outstanding two-year scholar.
Henry H. “Tip” Graham will receive the Distinguished Alumnus Award at the 2 p.m. ceremony. Graham received a degree in journalism from UF in 1972 and a law degree from Samford University. He is now president and chief executive officer of the Scott-McRae Group of Jacksonville. He serves on the University of Florida Foundation Board of Directors, the UFF Campaign Leadership Gifts Council and the UFF Jacksonville Regional Committee. A Bull Gator, Graham has been a faithful fan of UF athletics. He has been a generous contributor through gifts to P.K. Yonge and the College of Journalism and Communications.
Five distinguished educator awards also will presented at the 2 p.m. ceremony. They will be given to Susan Ames, Bradford County; Donna Barber, Franklin County; Richard Ellenburg, Orange County; Gretta Sancho, Manatee County; and Mark Strauss, Broward County.
For more information about the 2007 fall commencement ceremonies, visit the Office of the University Registrar’s Web site at