What's Your Focus?
January 29, 2008
Eye-opening and life-changing are the best words to describe the day I decided to get involved with the climate change initiative. After attending a conference on climate change issues in Florida, my philosophy emerged: Nothing in climate change is possible without collective action. If you follow popular belief, you know that it took collective action on our behalf to trigger the issues surrounding climate change, and therefore, will require collective action to fix them.
However, nothing can happen without first gathering knowledge. People cannot be expected to take action if they don’t know on what or how to act. The events of “Focus The Gator Nation” (FGN), being held on Jan. 31, will help to provide students and the community as a whole with the fundamentals on global warming and climate change, so we can take action together.
Focus The Gator Nation is part of the national Focus the Nation campaign, a united day of educational activities focused on the issues surrounding climate change and the challenges that lie ahead. Local events kick-off with a Climate Change Awareness Fair from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. on the Reitz Union North Lawn.
At 3 p.m., in the Ustler Hall Women’s Studies Atrium, there will be a presentation by UF faculty on the science and economics of climate change. Immediately following the presentation, at 4 p.m., will be a political forum on the Leadership of Climate Change, which will feature Gainesville Mayor Pegeen Hanrahan and Tallahassee Mayor John Marks. Finally, at 6 p.m., there will be an energy debate where UF faculty and industry experts discuss the pros and cons of the various energy sources available.
Students, please join us on Thursday, and faculty, bring your students or have discussions in your classes. Then, decide for yourself: What’s your focus?
For more information visit: http://focusthenationuf.googlepages.com
Rainer Shaw
FGN Coordinator,
Wildlife Ecology and Conservation Senior