Architects to visit UF campus to talk about future of student union

October 29, 2009


GAINESVILLE, Fla. — Architects and staff members from two architectural firms will visit the University of Florida campus next week to start the master planning process for the future of the Reitz Student Union.

Gould Evans Architects of Tampa will work with WTW Architects of Pittsburgh, Pa., to learn how the 42-year-old building can better serve current and future needs of students. WTW has extensive experience planning and designing student unions across the country.

The initial phase of the process will include focus groups, surveys and interviews. After summarizing, analyzing and testing the information, the architects will develop a conceptual design for a renovated or expanded student union. Input will be sought from students, faculty, and staff. The planning process should be completed in February 2010.

The architects will conduct the first round of sessions Monday through Thursday. Most sessions will be held in the Matthews Suite on the fourth floor of the Reitz Student Union. Open sessions for students will be held from 7 to 8 p.m. Nov. 3 and from 1 to 2 p.m. Nov. 5. The architects will return to campus in early December and January to continue the information gathering and clarification process.

The original union constructed in 1967 has seen many additions as the university has grown, including the two-story Grand Ballroom in 2002, and the UF Bookstore, Welcome Center and parking garage complex, which opened in 2003.

For more information, contact Eddie Daniels, executive director of the Reitz Student Union, at 352-392-1643, or

More information also may be found at