Web site will feature news and information about myUFL Financial Systems upgrade
February 23, 2010
GAINESVILLE, Fla. — The myUFL Financial Systems upgrade, slated for March of 2011, is designed to ensure that the myUFL system continues to work for the university — now and in the future. As is the case with all software, regular upgrades of the system are required to stay current and meet the university’s business demands.
A Web site has been established at upgrade.my.ufl.edu to keep campus informed of activities leading up to the upgrade, as well as resources available to assist employees with the transition. The Web site features a timeline, frequently asked questions, lists of the project’s various committees and leadership, technical resources and more.
Among the Web site’s features is a new 10-minute online presentation introducing the upgrade. The presentation, featuring Greg Dubois, senior associate controller for finance and accounting, explains why the university is upgrading the myUFL financial systems, what’s included, the progress made so far and what UF employees can expect moving forward.
Employees are encouraged to send questions and comments to askgrady@ufl.edu.