UF College of Law experts available to comment on U.S. Supreme Court case Stop the Renourishment v. Florida Department of Environmental Protection (0
June 18, 2010
GAINESVILLE, Fla. — On Thursday, the Supreme Court released its decision in Stop the Renourishment v. Florida Department of Environmental Protection.
The decision upheld the Florida Supreme Court ruling that the state can conduct beach-widening and reclaiming programs on eroded beaches – which could modify private property lines – without having to compensate private waterfront property owners. This could result in property owners losing private access to the beach and lower property values.
UF College of Law experts are available to discuss the case and the ramifications of the court’s decision.
• Michael Allen Wolf — Wolf is the Richard E. Nelson Chair in Local Government Law, general editor of Powell on Property, a widely cited treatise on real property law, and author of several nationally recognized articles on regulatory takings law. His expertise includes property law, eminent domain and zoning. He can be reached at 352-273-0934 (office), 352-359-2497 (cell) or wolfm@law.ufl.edu. View his faculty page at http://www.law.ufl.edu/faculty/wolf/.
• Danaya Wright — Wright is the Clarence TeSelle Professor of Law. Her expertise includes constitutional property law and property law. She is the author of several nationally recognized articles on regulatory takings law. She can be reached at 352-273-0946 or wrightdc@law.ufl.edu. View her faculty page at http://www.law.ufl.edu/faculty/wrightd/.
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