RTS to add new route to Gainesville airport
July 14, 2010
GAINESVILLE, Fla. — The City of Gainesville Regional Transit System will offer service from the University of Florida to Gainesville Regional Airport beginning Aug. 16.
After years of requests, RTS will offer a limited stop airport route running every hour on weekdays. Service on Route 25 will be during the peak travel hours from 7:25 a.m. to 10:25 a.m., and then from 3:25 p.m. to 6:25 p.m. The first morning and afternoon runs will start at the RTS Rosa Parks Downtown Station heading to the airport; on its return it will stop at the Downtown Station again on its way to the UF campus. There will be no weekend service.
“Residents have shown a high interest in this service for several years, and we believe that it will increase mobility for our community and encourage individual drivers to take public transit for the first leg of their trips out of Gainesville,” said Jesus Gomez, RTS transit director.
Visit the RTS website www.go-rts.com or call 352-334-2600 for reduced service and regular schedule information. Direct media inquiries to Chip Skinner, RTS marketing and communications supervisor, at 352-393-7842 or skinnerc@cityofgainesville.org.