Tomato Salmonella
September 21, 2010
It turns out aging does increase the risk of disease, at least in tomatoes. A new University of Florida study shows the specific variety of tomato matters along with the fruit’s ripeness. Green tomatoes resist salmonella much more than ripe red ones. The study suggests growers could reduce susceptibility to contamination during and after harvest based on variety of the fruit and by monitoring ripeness.
Max Teplitski/UF soil microbiologist: “Based just on the experiments we have presented, it appears that now we have a realistic chance of finding produce varieties that will be both economical for the farmers to produce and also will be more safe.”
Producers and pickers often face public blame when contamination occurs, but scientists say the study shows contamination is not just linked to hygiene.
Max Teplitski/UF soil microbiologist: “It appears while sanitation is of course critical, during the various stages of handling, that there may also be a biology behind these interactions.“
UF researchers continue to screen a greenhouse full of tomatoes to give growers information on which varieties better resist salmonella contamination.