UFPD officers honored for work with Student Affairs
September 17, 2010
GAINESVILLE, Fla. — During this year’s Division of Student Affairs Fall Kickoff, two University of Florida Police Department captains and a UFPD major were recognized for their outstanding service.
Capt. Darren Baxley and Maj. Brad Barber were recognized with a Collaboration Award for their outstanding work on the Behavioral Consultation Team.
Baxley received the division’s Special Recognition Award. He was recognized for his efforts as the Criminal Investigations Division commander in working hand in hand with Student Affairs. He was also recognized for his membership on many of the division’s search committees, but also as a key leader on the Behavioral Consultation Team.
Capt. Earl Crews was recognized with a Lifetime Achievement Award. He is retiring from the UFPD after 45 years with the agency. Crews was recognized for his many years of assisting the Division of Student Affairs ranging from his work on the patrol division for many years, to his most recent work in scheduling security for events for the Division of Student Affairs.