UF conference to look at Florida's energy future
February 22, 2011
GAINESVILLE, Fla. – The University of Florida Levin College of Law will host the 17th annual Public Interest Environmental Conference at the law school on Feb. 24-26.
This year’s conference – “It’s Not Easy Being Green: Our Energy Future” – will focus on renewable and nonrenewable sources of energy; how that energy is distributed and its relationship to economic development, environmental protection and social justice.
The keynote speakers at the conference will be Buddy MacKay, a former Florida governor, lieutenant governor, U.S. representative and state legislator; and Princeton University Professor of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering Robert Socolow – an expert on global energy resources and climate change mitigation, and a pioneer in environmental studies.
The conference will feature a wide variety of panels dealing with various energy-related topics, including the 2010 Gulf oil spill and the licensing of new nuclear power plants in Florida. Guest panelists will range from representatives of government agencies and public interest organizations to international scholars and industry experts. Two Saturday morning workshops will focus on green jobs and what endangered species laws mean to the average homeowner.
The Public Interest Environmental Conference provides a forum for an exchange of ideas among private, government, and public interest lawyers; students and academics; environmental professionals, advocates and activists, and the interested public.
Media are welcome to attend the conference, but must register to attend Friday’s banquet, which is filling up fast. Registration will also be accepted at the conference on Feb. 24 and Feb. 25.
For more information, agenda and to register, visit http://www.law.ufl.edu/piec/.
The conference is free for all UF students, faculty, and staff.