Program to look at UF’s partnerships with area governments
August 18, 2011
GAINESVILLE, Fla. — Susan Crowley, University of Florida assistant vice president of community relations, will speak at 3:30 p.m. today, Aug. 18, to the Academic and Professional Assembly.
Her talk, “UF: Part of a Regional Community,” will be presented in the Levin College of Law’s Martin Levin Advocacy Center Courtroom. Everyone is welcome, and the first 15 attendees receive a free Gators for Higher Education T-shirt. The event will not be available via webcast.
The Office of Community Relations facilitates and enhances relationships within Gainesville, Alachua County and the region in the belief that UF’s goal of being one of the nation’s great universities will be reached, in part, through a strong partnership with a great region.
Attendees will learn how the office represents the university through community groups and business organizations ˗˗ and through participation with area governments ˗˗ to communicate the UF positions on issues and increase awareness of the university’s contributions and resources in the region.
Parking remains plentiful at the law school, and restrictions are lifted at 3:30 p.m. Park in the west lot directly in front of the center or in lots on the south and east of the school, which is near the corner of Village Drive and SW 2nd Avenue.