Walking Gators program adds flexibility for routes, times this year
October 3, 2011
GAINESVILLE, Fla. — The Healthy Gators Coalition encourages University of Florida faculty, staff and students of all fitness levels to lace up their walking shoes and become Walking Gators from 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. Thursday at the Reitz Student Union Colonnade.
Individuals who show their Gator1 ID will receive a Walking Gators Dri-Fit T-shirt and pedometer to support their commitment to walk regularly during the fall semester.
Historically, the program offered a variety of scheduled walking groups over the lunch hour at various locations to encourage exercise breaks during the workday. This fall, it is moving to a more flexible format that allows participants to walk anywhere and anytime. Groups and individuals will be featured on the Healthy Gators website and Facebook page.
The program will still provide a variety of one-mile, campus route maps and two scheduled walking groups on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays beginning Oct. 11. The Uphill Challenge route will begin at 12:15 p.m. from the Housing Office next to Beaty Towers, and the Pony Field Express route will begin at 11:30 a.m. from the Cancer Genetics Research Building.
“I hope this new format encourages people to get out of their offices and de-stress during their work breaks,” said Jane Emmerée, chairwoman of Healthy Gators Programming Work Group. “I’m really looking forward to showcasing the many Walking Gators who are committed to a healthy lifestyle and taking activity breaks throughout their workday.”
Walking Gators was established in 2008 to offer faculty, staff and students the opportunity to meet new people, increase their physical activity and get fresh air during the workday.
Visit Healthy Gators at http://healthygators.ufsa.ufl.edu or call 352-273-4450 for more information and to become a featured walker on the website.
Healthy Gators is a coalition of students, faculty and staff from more than 25 University of Florida departments and organizations working together to promote a campus environment supportive of the development and maintenance of a healthy body, mind and spirit for all members of the University of Florida community. UF First Lady Chris Machen is the chairwoman of Healthy Gators.