University of Florida Hosts GenCyber Cybersecurity Programs for Students and Teachers

July 20, 2015

WHAT: This week, the University of Florida kicks off a new and exciting learning opportunity for high school students and teachers. GenCyber camps held at the university will expose middle and high school students, as well as teachers, to cybersecurity and cyber problem solving. In addition, the camps will help teachers gain knowledge and skills in the cybersecurity field and design curricula to train the next generation cybersecurity workforce.

The camps are offered at no cost to participants. All classes are taught by UF faculty.

The University of Florida camps are just one offering of the GenCyber program, now in its second year, which is funded by the National Security Agency and the National Science Foundation.

This summer, GenCyber camps will be held on 29 university and college campuses in 18 states. The program is planned to expand from the current 43 camps to 200 camps by 2020.

NOTE: GenCyber logo attached in this email.

The camp for teachers runs from Monday, July 20, through Friday, July 24; the camp for students runs from Monday, July 27, through Friday, July 31.

WHERE: University of Florida Gainesville, Gainesville, FL