UF joins rival to sponsor alcohol-free tailgate party Saturday
October 19, 2012
GAINESVILLE, Fla. — University of Florida Gator fans and University of South Carolina Gamecock fans will come together Saturday at the Greater Gator and Gamecock Tailgater.
Starting at noon on the Student Health Care Center front lawn on Fletcher Drive, fans can stop by for free food, games and to watch the pre-game show on a big-screen television. The first 500 fans will receive a free T-shirt. This is an alcohol-free tailgate hosted by the Student Health Care Center, GatorWell Health Promotion Services, Counseling and Wellness Center, Dean of Students Office, department of recreational sports, Office of Vice President for Student Affairs and University of Florida Police Department for the first time. It’s the final event of Conflict Resolution Week, which promotes ways to resolve conflicts.
This is also the first tailgate co-sponsored by UF and the competing school. Representatives from the University of South Carolina have been communicating with representatives of both GatorWell Health Promotion Services and the Dean of Students Office to organize the event. Maureen Miller, director of GatorWell, said the idea for the combined tailgate is a perfect fit for Conflict Resolution Week. Football rivalries can prove to be aggressive, but coming together to have fun at a tailgate shows it can be enjoyable and peaceful.
The choice to make this tailgate a non-alcoholic event came from the campus Alcohol & Drug Education Policy Committee, Miller said. The committee wanted to show that alcohol doesn’t have to be involved to have fun. It also wanted to provide a place for fans who want to take part in traditional tailgate activities such as food, corn hole, and other games but without consuming alcohol and potentially experiencing the associated negative consequences.
For more information about the event and other Conflict Resolution Week activities, visit the University of Florida Dean of Students Office at: http://www.dso.ufl.edu/.