Media to receive advance notices of upcoming releases, events

February 22, 2013

GAINESVILLE, Fla. — Starting today, the University of Florida Media Relations Office will send a budget to media every Friday for the following week’s news releases about research, grants and related announcements.

Our goal is to give you the opportunity to better plan and organize your coverage of the university. Like your own budgets, ours is subject to change, so please feel free to contact our office to inquire about the status of a particular news release. In addition, UF Media Relations will no longer send individual releases about events on campus. Instead, we will provide an event roundup with contact information for each event every Monday.

Here is next week’s budget:

MONDAY, Feb. 25
TURF ALTERNATIVES — Covering more than 5 million acres in Florida, turfgrass is the state’s most popular groundcover – but it may not be the ideal choice for every situation, say experts with the University of Florida’s Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences.

TUESDAY, Feb. 26
CC0213 – The Bureau of Economic and Business Research at UF issues its monthly Florida consumer confidence report. With graphic.

MOSQUITO MASHUP – University of Florida researchers explore mating behavior among different species of mosquitoes that could help predict changes in the distribution and abundance of mosquitoes that vector human diseases.

MARINE COMPOUND-COPD — Pharmacy researchers have isolated a new compound from a marine cyanobacteria that may offer improved treatment options by inhibiting the progression of pulmonary diseases rather than treating its symptoms.

Nothing scheduled.

FRIDAY, March 1
Nothing scheduled.