UF news for week of July 22 listed
July 19, 2013
GAINESVILLE, Fla. — Here are the releases the University of Florida’s media relations office expects to send next week, subject to change:
Monday, July 22
EVENTS0715 — Upcoming UF events worthy of media coverage.
LIGHTING — Scientists have known for hundreds of years that plants respond to light in a variety of ways. But the results of a new University of Florida research study tell them how specific light wavelengths can be used to manipulate volatile compounds that control aroma and taste in several high-value crops, including petunia, tomato, strawberry and blueberry. And their findings open the door to more studies into ways light may someday be used to improve the flavor and nutritional content of fruits, vegetables and herbs, as well as the scent of flowers. w/photo and news video. By IFAS writer Mickie Anderson. Main sources: Tom Colquhoun and Kevin Folta.
Tuesday, July 23
Wednesday, July 24
Thursday, July 25
FOODPRICES — New UF/IFAS study that traced price changes across 100 different commodities to see if the signal for increases and decreases in price from wholesaler to processor to retailer are working. Study by emeritus agricultural marketing professor Ron Ward suggests the signal may not be as immediate as consumers might like, but it’s definitely working. By IFAS writer Mickie Anderson
Friday, July 26
BUDGET 0729 — Anticipated releases for the following week.