UF news for week of Aug. 12 listed
August 9, 2013
GAINESVILLE, Fla. — Here are the releases the University of Florida’s media relations office expects to send next week, subject to change:
Monday, Aug. 12
CTRB — GAINESVILLE, Fla. — The University of Florida today celebrated the opening of the Clinical and Translational Research Building, a new home for research that will speed scientific discoveries to patients. The $45 million, 120,000-square-foot complex will spark collaboration and spur medical advances by bringing together research teams from a range of scientific disciplines.
Tuesday, Aug. 13
Wednesday, Aug. 14
HCVTARGET – Announcement about acollaboration between academia, industry and the U.S. Food and Drug Administration aimed at delivering real-world data that can help doctors and patients optimize their treatment experience.
Thursday, Aug. 15
Friday, Aug. 16
BUDGET 0816– a look at releases expected the following week.