Renowned environmental journalist to present lecture on Rachel Carson
October 9, 2013
GAINESVILLE, Fla. — Award-winning environmental journalist William Souder, author of biographies of Rachel Carson and John James Audubon, will speak at the University of Florida Oct. 24.
Souder will give UF’s 2013 Burns Lecture. His talk, “From Conservation to Environmentalism,” will discuss Carson, her monumental 1962 book “Silent Spring,” and the origins of America’s troubled relationship with the natural world.
Souder’s book “On a Farther Shore: The Life and Legacy of Rachel Carson,” was published by Crown last year on the 50th anniversary of the publication of Carson’s classic “Silent Spring.” He is also author of “Under a Wild Sky: John James Audubon and the Making of the Birds of America,” which was a finalist for the Pulitzer Prize, and “Plague of Frogs: Unraveling an Environmental Mystery.”
A reception with refreshments and food starts at 6:30 in Smathers Library (East) Room 1A. The lecture is free and open to the public. It is hosted by the department of history and co-sponsored by the Institute for Food and Agricultural Sciences, the Center for the Humanities and the Public Sphere at UF, the Tropical Conservation and Development Program of the Center for Latin American Studies at UF, and Smathers Library.
A book sale and signing will follow the lecture.