UF news for week of Dec. 2 listed

November 27, 2013

GAINESVILLE, Fla. — Here are the releases the University of Florida’s media relations office expects to send next week, subject to change:

Monday, Dec. 2
EVENTS 1202 — List of upcoming events of potential media interest.

Tuesday, Dec. 3

Wednesday, Dec. 4
PIG KIDNEYS (TENTATIVE) — Kidney transplant patients in the not-too-distant future may have a new option that sidesteps the current organ shortage, lengthy wait and potential rejection: Grow your own. University of Florida researchers are using a pig kidney as a “scaffold” in which they are building a human version by injecting it with adult stem cells. Those cells will “take over” the pig kidney, allowing it to be transplanted into humans. If successful, the process could reduce the wait for a kidney from years to several months and save tens of thousands of lives annually. Writer: Rebecca Burton.

Thursday, Dec. 5
COMMENCE FALL 2013 — Specifics about the upcoming fall commencement.

Friday, Dec. 6