UF events of possible media interest listed
February 24, 2014
GAINESVILLE, Fla. — The following events are scheduled in the near future at or near the University of Florida:
Body acceptance events held
GatorWell Health Promotion Services offers events this week to improve the culture of body acceptance among students. The “Celebrate EveryBODY” series includes a BeYOUtiful Health and Wellness Fair from 6 to 8 p.m. Feb. 25 in the Jennings Residence Hall ground floor area, and an EveryBODY Can Exercise event with instructors from RecSports from 11:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. Feb. 27 at the Plaza of Americas. Visit http://gatorwell.ufsa.ufl.edu/ for more information.
For more information, contact Natalie Rella, 352-273-4450, nrella@ufl.edu.
Shuttle astronaut to speak
Jim Halsell, technical director for advanced space launch systems at Dynetics Inc. and a former NASA astronaut who flew on five shuttle flights, will talk about his career in a recruiting information session at 6 p.m. Feb. 26 in the New Physics Building (NPB), Room 1002. The company is taking applications for positions in electrical engineering/computer engineering, aerospace/mechanical engineering and computer science.
For more information, contact Janet Felts, 256-713-5439, janet.felts@dynetics.com.
Seeking female entrepreneurs
The next session of the Empowering Women in Technology Startups, known as eWiTS, program starts with information sessions from 3 to 5 p.m. March 4 and March 18 at the Florida Innovation Hub at UF, 747 SW 2nd Ave. The program introduces women to entrepreneurial skills necessary for creating companies. An experienced female entrepreneur will speak after each program review.
For more information, contact Carla Buddensieg, 352-864-1512, cbuddensieg@ufl.edu