Smathers Libraries' Government Documents collection relocated
GAINESVILLE, Fla. —The George A. Smathers Libraries Government Documents collection has been permanently relocated to the libraries’ off-campus Auxiliary Library Facility.
The move was completed Friday, and documents can be requested from the collection beginning March 31. During the time the collection is inaccessible, the Regional Documents Coordinator and other campus library information desk staff will assist patrons with electronic access to government documents, or in conjunction with Interlibrary Loan staff, borrow materials from the University of Central Florida or the University of Georgia. After March 31 materials housed at ALF may be requested using the request link in the catalog.
Although the collection will no longer be on campus, the University of Florida will remain the Regional Depository Library for Florida, Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands.
The move of materials and staff offices of Government Documents and Map & Imagery collections is opening up space for the first floor renovation of the Marston Science Library. The 26,000 square-foot area will include seating and study space for 680 students. The renovation will be completed by the beginning of the fall 2014 semester.
For more information, contact the Regional Documents Coordinator Jan Swanbeck at 352-273-0374 or