‘Unconference’ looks at ways to use technology in the humanities
April 24, 2014
GAINESVILLE, Fla. — Individuals from universities from around the state are at the University of Florida today and Friday to talk about the humanities and technology.
The UF Center for the Humanities and the Public Sphere and Smathers Libraries are hosting what’s being called the Humanities and Technology Camp, or THATCamp, in Smathers Library East from 8:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. today and 8:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. Friday.
Digital technologies have created new and exciting opportunities to teach people about history, culture, art, music, and literature, among other humanities fields. THAT Camp is a free “unconference” where researchers, teachers, students, developers, librarians, museum professionals and others can discuss digital projects, learn and teach each other new programs and skills, and brainstorm initiatives to support cultural work in the digital age. Session topics are proposed by the participants before the camp, and the conference schedule is created by the group together on the first morning.
Proposed topics include tools for analyzing and data mining large bodies of text, virtual reality experiences to explore ancient civilizations, digitization in exhibition design and interaction, effective hybrid and online course tools, use of Twitter in and outside of classrooms, digital archive projects for libraries and museums, and crowdsourcing archival projects to involve members of the public in archives and research.
Atttending the camp are individuals from more than eight educational institutions in Florida, including the University of Florida, the University of Central Florida, Florida State University, the University of South Florida, the University of Miami, Florida International University, Rollins College, and the Associated Colleges of the South. Also attending are representatives of the Florida Humanities Council, the Alachua County Library District and local museums and cultural heritage institutions.
For more information, find THAT Camp Gainesville on Facebook, Twitter, or visit our website atwww.gainesville2014.thatcamp.org.