DNA to have its day at UF
April 15, 2015
The University of Florida Genetics Institute and Genetics Club are partnering to host a campus celebration of National DNA Day on Tuesday, April 21, on the Reitz Union North Lawn from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m.
The event will include interactive genetics and genomics activities. Students can take their minds off finals and enjoy activities created by science-related UF student organizations and faculty laboratories. Those looking for stress relief can head to the Genetics Club’s DNA extraction minilab, where they can smash some bananas and strawberries to extract their DNA.
Leading up to the event, UF students and faculty are encouraged to enter the UF DNA Day Photo Contest by tweeting a science or DNA-related photo to @UFGenetics with hashtags #UFDNAday and #UFDNApic. The winner will receive a personal DNA analysis and ancestry kit valued at $99 from 23andMe.
For student groups and faculty laboratories interested in participating, microgrants are available through the UF Genetics Institute to help fund their involvement.
National DNA Day was started by the National Human Genome Research Institute to commemorate both the completion of the Human Genome Project in April 2003 and the discovery of DNA’s double helix shape. This annual celebration offers students and the public opportunities to learn about the latest advances in genomics research, and explore what they mean in their lives. The official date is April 25.
For full details on UF DNA Day and the photo contest, visit dna.ufgi.ufl.edu. Additionally, registration for interested student organizations and labs is available through the same website.
You may also follow the UF Genetics Institute on Twitter for fun, daily DNA facts and updates on UF genetics and genomics research: @UFGenetics.
For more information, contact Megan Kimmel at mkimmel@ufl.edu or Alison Pondo at alisonp@ufl.edu.