Mothers Against Drunk Driving honors UF Police Department

August 18, 2015

The University of Florida Police Department was named the recipient of the “Outstanding Dedication to DUI Enforcement and Prevention - University/College Agency” award by the MADD organization at an event held last month. Officer Kyle Peterson accepted the award on behalf of Chief Linda Stump-Kurnick. This is an annual award in the state of Florida.

In 2014, the UFPD made 97 DUI arrests, and also presented or participated in numerous alcohol awareness events across the UF campus as part of Student Community Oriented Policing Effort. These events included presentations, tabling at special campus events, participation in UF Preview, hosting UFPD’s Spring Break Safety Fair and working with campus partners such as the Inter-Fraternity and Panhellenic councils.

The mission of MADD is “to end drunk driving, help fight drugged driving, support the victims of these violent crimes, and prevent underage drinking.” Enforcement of DUI traffic laws is an important duty of law enforcement officers charged with safeguarding the public. Drivers impaired by alcohol or drugs represent a significant threat to public safety.

Statistics show that every day, 300,000 people drive impaired, and nearly 30 people in the U.S. die in motor vehicle crashes that involve an alcohol-impaired driver. The officers of the UFPD recognize these facts and work to support the efforts of MADD through its proactive enforcement endeavors.

For more information about MADD, please visit